Hours : Mon To Fri - 10AM - 04PM, Sunday Closed

Online Classes

Motivated by digital learning and producing learners that are future-ready we,have an online learning facility tailored to connect learners and teachers in the comfort of their homes for remedial works and also to facilitate blended and interactive learning during school times.

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School Culture

We have a strong school culture of dedicated teachers that influence student perfomance. We encourage teachers to expand their knowledge base, prioritize professional development and connect more with students which goes a long way in helping to improve student outcomes. We have engaged stuff, a nurturing environment, a holistic sense of responsibility, and a commitment to lifelong learning

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Extracurricular Activities

We believe that Co-curricular activities have a huge impact on the lives of learners. We have our students take part in sports, music, club activities and after-school programs which provides an opportunity to build teamwork skills, bond with other students and explore various interests. These activities also enhance the personality and moral values of the students, all contributing to a better learning process

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Safety and Security

Learners spend a considerable time in school thus regardless the age of a child's age, you should consider safety and security when choosing the best school for them. We have a safe and secure environment that guarantees students the open space they need to explore, learn and grow. The learners will carry with them the lessons learned for the rest of their lives

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Welcome To Duma Primary School

Teacher, people, excellency

Duma Primary School commited to provide high quality academic,physical, cultural and technical secondary education and values to pupils so that they became responsible citzens of Zimbabwe.Our School's vision is to work effectivelly towards the production of a well educated child who is patriotic, self reliant and an asset to the community.


This is the best education center ever

More than 20 years experience in the field of offering quality education

Here is Duma Primary School Cerified Teachers ,Students Enrolled,Classes and Subjects.


Certified Teachers


Students Enrolled






We are the best school in bikita district that offers quality education to all students.

  • Online Learning platform

    We have an online learning fac...

  • Modern Book Library

    Learners exposed to tools of g...

  • Safe and Secure environment

    On our watch, students are saf...

  • Co-curriculla activities

    Tailored to make learners grea...

  • Foreign Languages

    To maximize human-interaction ...

  • Computer Lab

    Computer lab with current tech...

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